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"Kalau untuk sensasi saya pengen ngerjain sesuatu yang bikin bangga orang-orang dekat saya. Jadi nggak sama sekali. Saya juga punya anak cewek empat tahun, gimana kalau foto itu dilihat ama anak saya. Saya juga nggak mau bikin malu ibu saya," cerita Rahma dengan nada emosi dan menitikkan air mata. "Saya ngerasa lebih bahagia masa lalu saya dari pada sekarang,"

Artis Rahma Azhari membantah keras, beredarnya foto-foto syur dirinya bersama kakaknya, Sarah Azhari merupakan bagian dari skenario untuk mencari sebuah sensasi. Ibu satu anak ini meyakini, apa yang dialaminya saat ini merupakan tindakan orang-orang yang tidak suka terhadap dirinya.

Rahma yang didampingi pengacaranya Farhat Abbas, hari ini, Rabu (24/12) menggelar press conference di Plaza Basmar Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 106 Jakarta Selatan. Dalam keterangannya Rahma nampak beberapa kali terlihat terbawa emosi, apalagi dengan beberapa pertanyaan wartawan yang dianggap memojokkan dirinya.

Ditanya apakah ini sebagai bentuk keteledoran di pihaknya? ibu dari Oceans Camilla itu menyebut kalau teknologi saat ini sangat memungkinkan untuk sebuah rekayasa foto. "Teknologi sekarang sudah canggih. Foto saya dibikin telanjang," ungkap Rahma yang sebelumnya mengaku kalau fotonya itu asli hasil bidikan di Dreamland Bali."Saya juga bisa bikin foto kamu, jadi badan kamu, cuman kepala kamu Brad Pitt. Kalau mau bunuh karakter saya terus terang saya nggak mau lagi. Saya capek," ungkap Sarah emosi dengan menunjuk ke arah para wartawan.


Talk about your revealing interviews.

Jennifer Aniston
puts on a necktie and leaves the rest in the hamper for a provocative GQ cover and sassy interview that addresses rumors about John Mayer.

"I am not having his baby. And I have not popped the question," the actress, 39, tells January's GQ (on stands Dec. 23).

Aniston also pokes fun at her recent swipe at Angelina Jolie.

"The funny thing is, people don't realize we all go away to The Hamptons on the weekends," jokes Aniston. "That'd be hysterical: I've got Zahara on my hip, and Knox ..."

As for her feelings about Mayer, 31, she says, "Honestly, did not know much about him before I met him. I'd heard ... you know, uh 'Your Body' – that song. But what I can say is that I had no idea what an extraordinary musician he is. And it's just great to sit and be witness to that. It's kind of like, Whoa!"

Aniston's currently working on a film called Pumas, which she calls "sort of a female Wedding Crashers" about two "aspiring cougars."

"It is so a comment on the sexual double standard, and what's been ironic is how hard it's been to get this movie made," she says. "Studios want it, but they are afraid of Middle America. They'd want to change it; they're saying, 'Oh, you can't do that, people just can't imagine you ..."

It's part of what she sees as a disturbing problem in Hollywood.

"Look, I think all women on some level just want to rage against the machine," she says. "There are too many movies out there that don't empower women, movies in which their only way of being happy is finding a man. And you know, that's not my favorite theme."

Concurred Arkin: "I have to admit it, she looks great. My my initial reaction was, God, I wish I had a tie like that."

Looking stunning and dressed for the occasion, provocative cover girl Jennifer Aniston worked the red carpet with costar Owen Wilson at Thursday's Los Angeles premiere of their comedy Marley and Me, at the Mann Village Theater in Westwood.

Summing up the film's universal appeal – Marley is a tale about a dog – Aniston, 39, called it "a true story, about a family and their life."

With nearly everyone also interested in the tale behind Aniston's new eye-opening GQ cover, the star was asked what sort of message she was trying to send by wearing nothing more than a necktie for the magazine.

She replied, with a laugh: "I wasn't trying to make any kind of statement!"

Aniston's boyfriend, John Mayer, did have something to say, on the other hand. Arriving about 10 minutes before Aniston and Wilson, the musician told reporters that he was there to "support my girl."

Meanwhile, Marley costars Eric Dane and Alan Arkin also spoke up – in support of Aniston's GQ pose.

"I'm going to renew my subscription," said Dane. ""She always looks fabulous, she will look fabulous at 50."


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