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She is an actress, a model and a commercial TV star.
Eva Anindita was born on August 15 1985 in Bandung.
She has beautiful eyes; those eyes are really piercing all of boys.
Moreover, she is sexy woman.

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Geger foto syur di internet yang melibatkan anggata Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) RI kembali muncul. Jika pada Desember 2006 lalu, bekas Sekretaris Fraksi Partai Golkar DPR, Yahya Zaini ketahuan berbuat mesum dengan pedangdut Maria Eva, kali ini anggota dewan dari Fraksi PDIP, Max Moein yang wajahnya nongol di internet.

Max tampak berpose telanjang dada dengan seorang perempuan muda dalam gambar yang beredar luas di internet itu. Namun, saat dikonfirmasi langsung, Max yang kini menjabat Wakil Ketua Komisi XI (bidang Keuangan dan Perbankan) DPR, membantah telah melakukan tindakan asusila.

Ia menegaskan bahwa sepanjang hidupnya, dirinya tidak pernah merasa berfoto tanpa mengenakan busana. Ia mengaku kaget dengan kemunculan fotonya di internet. Ia juga meminta jangan menyamakan fotonya tersebut dengan video mesum Yahya Zaini dua tahun silam.
"Jangan samakan dengan kejadian (kasus Yahya Zaini) yang dulu. Ini kan hanya foto biasa. Tidak perlu dipermasalahkan lha. Saya juga tidak tahu mengapa tiba-tiba ada foto seperti itu di internet. Tapi yang jelas, saya tidak pernah melakukan tindakan asusila seperti itu," ujar Max Moein saat dihubungi Surya, di Jakarta.

Ketika mencuat video mesum Yahya Zaini dengan artis dangdut asal Sidoarjo, Maria Eva, pada awal Desember 2006, pihak Yahya sempat menyatakan rekaman tersebut hanya rekaan.

Namun setelah ada pengakuan langsung dari Maria Eva mengenai adegan di video itu, Yahya yang saat itu menjabat Ketua bidang Kerohanian Partai Golkar, akhirnya mundur sebagai anggota DPR. Ia juga meminta maaf atas kesalahan dan kekhilafannya.

Max kembali menegaskan, heboh foto telanjang dadanya dengan seorang perempuan yang beredar saat ini jelas tak bisa disamakan dengan kasus yang menimpa Yahya.

Max menekankan bahwa foto dirinya menggandeng perempuan itu sama sekali tidak mengindikasikan dirinya sedang berbuat mesum. Ia meminta agar orang jangan salah tafsir karena foto dirinya itu hanya ditampilkan sebatas dada telanjang ke atas.

"Jadi kenapa kok ditafsirkan tidak berbusana. Apalagi ditafsirkan foto mesra. Anda lihat saja, apa wajah saya tampak mesra di situ, yang ada malah tegang," ujarnya.

Bagaimana foto tersebut bisa ada? Max mengaku bahwa foto itu adalah hasil jepretan seorang temannya ketika dirinya akan berenang di sebuah kolam renang yang berada di kawasan Jakarta. Namun, pria yang pernah menjadi Ketua Komisi IX DPR RI periode 1999-2004 ini mengaku tidak ingat kapan persisnya foto tersebut diambil.

"Saya pikir foto itulah yang dipajang. Saya tidak ingat kapan foto itu diambil karena itu memang sudah sangat lama, mungkin sekitar tujuh atau delapan tahun silam. Tapi yang pasti, itu foto saya bersama teman saya di ruang ganti pakaian sebelum kami berenang. Yang ambil foto itu teman saya yang lain," jelas Max.

Lalu, bagaimana foto tersebut bisa beredar di internet ? Max mengaku selama ini tidak punya musuh karena dirinya bersikap baik kepada semua orang. Meski, kata dia, tidak menutup kemungkinan ada orang yang antipati kepada dirinya. Baik itu dalam statusnya sebagai pribadi, anggota partai, dan juga anggota DPR. Dan orang yang antipati itulah, lanjut dia, yang mungkin mengambil segala cara untuk melakukan pembunuhan karakternya.

"Saya tidak tahu apa tujuannya. Tapi saya pikir ada pihak yang tengah berupaya menjatuhkan citra saya, partai, dan juga DPR. Tidak menutup kemungkinan seperti itu," sambung dia.
Yang jelas, pasca kemunculan foto itu, Max mengaku lebih sering menjawab rekan-rekan sesama anggota dewan yang mencecar dirinya dengan pertanyaan seputar foto tersebut.

Namun, Max mengaku tidak merasa tertekan karena merasa tidak melakukan tindakan asusila. Ia juga menyebut bahwa sejauh ini, keluarganya tidak terlalu terganggu.

"Saya pikir hampir semua orang punya foto seperti itu. Maksud saya, foto close up dengan telanjang dada. Tapi karena saya anggota DPR, akhirnya ramai," lanjut dia.

Yang jelas, pasca kemunculan foto itu, Max mengaku lebih sering menjawab rekan-rekan sesama anggota dewan yang mencecar dirinya dengan pertanyaan seputar foto tersebut. Namun, Max mengaku tidak merasa tertekan karena merasa tidak melakukan tindakan asusila. Ia juga menyebut bahwa sejauh ini, keluarganya tidak terlalu terganggu.

Lebih jauh, Max juga mengaku tidak gentar andai polemik kabar soal foto dirinya di internet itu menggelinding bak bola salju, yang berujung dirinya bakal dimintai keterangan oleh Badan Kehormatan (BK) DPR.

Dihubungi terpisah, Wakil Ketua BK DPR, Gayus Lumbuun mengatakan bahwa pihaknya siap mengusut tuntas soal foto merangsang Max Moein dan seorang perempuan itu. Namun, kata Gayus, BK baru akan mengambil tindakan jika memang ada fakta-fakta kebenaran yang terkuak dari foto Max itu. Untuk saat ini, pihaknya belum akan mengambil langkah apapun.

"Sampai saat ini belum ada pengaduan ataupun permintaan dari pimpinan DPR. Kalau sudah ada dengan fakta-fakta yang mengandung kebenaran, tentu BK akan mengusut kasus tersebut," ujar Gayus dalam pesan singkatnya kepada wartawan di Jakarta.

Dikatakan Gayus, berkat kemajuan teknologi saat ini, terutama di bidang cyber, gambar-gambar dengan rekayasa bisa mudah muncul di internet. Tetapi, lanjut dia, apabila pakar yang mempunyai kompetensi menyatakan keaslian gambar tersebut, maka harus ada langkah yang diambil.

"Sudah sepatutnya dimintakan tanggung jawab yang bersangkutan dari sisi etika. Dengan semua akibat yang timbul karena menjadikan menurunnya pencitraan DPR sebagai lembaga negara," sambung Gayus yang pernah memprotes lagu Gosip Jalanan milik grup band Slank ini. jbp/had

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Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi - Credit: UPI
Should gay marriages be permitted?
In a surprising move last week by a republican state government run by republican Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger , California has moved to allow and recognize gay marriages. These marriages should begin taking place in June, unless a conservative group’s request to postpone the decision is granted.

The issue of gay marriages is already a controversial topic in our nation, one that has led 26 states to ban same-sex marriages. California’s decision to allow them is significant. California and its 32 million citizens have led the charge in a number of hot-bed issues since World War II, which means that this move could spark a national trend. There are roughly 108,000 same-sex households in California. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi already have plans to wed.

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American Idol Season 7 Winner David Cook performs the winning song, "The Time Of My Life" immediately after being announced the winner in the season finale of American Idol.

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On a Saturday evening in July 1995, a man named Rich Zubaty (author of Surviving the Feminization of America and founder of MENTOR, an organization advocating healthy masculinity) staged an impromptu rally in Harvard Square to protest the swelling tide of anti-male propaganda and the shaming of men in the media. Calling it "Take Back the Penis," Zubaty thought the rally would register only a minor blip on the sociological radar screen. But amid strident female shouts of "Lorena Bobbitt for Surgeon General," scores of frustrated men began to flock to his banner, all intent on demonstrating their intrinsic belief that "It's O.K. to be a man."

That was almost 10 years ago. Have guys like Zubaty ushered in a decade of change? Not really. The average guy is still P-whipped by our culture, emasculated by the media, forced to cater to women, and pressured to act in a "politically correct" manner. TV, movies and advertisements increasingly portray men as simple-minded buffoons and as pawns to female "strength" and "competence."

what women want

At least books other than Zubaty's have appeared in the meantime -- The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Summers, No More Mr. Nice Guy! by psychologist Dr. Robert Glover and Being a Man in a Woman's World by Dennis Neder -- all arguing that contemporary men are being robbed of their essential masculinity. But unfortunately, far more influential are movies like Mel Gibson's cotton candy pander-fest What Women Want , in which macho ad exec Nick Marshall (Gibson) loses a promotion to a female coworker because he doesn't understand that "It's a woman's world out there," and he only can redeem himself by learning to think like a female.

So the problem remains. As women continue to usurp positions of power and influence, as our culture exponentially coddles and panders to the female gender, as "equal rights" come to mean a kick in the balls, our society has learned to deify women and demonize men. The message is clear: women are good, men are bad. And what men need, the females trumpet, is to be more like women -- to be thoroughly feminized. This is especially true in the dating/mating arena.

the sad sitcom story

Any typical television sitcom tells the sad story. On Everybody Loves Raymond , the perpetually henpecked Ray Barone is expected to endure his wife Debra's bitchiness, lack of sexual desire and anti-male barbs as she castigates every aspect of his behavior. When he wants to take off for a couple of hours to play golf, he's "not taking care of his family" (the symbolism of her denying him golf -- his putter and balls -- should be obvious); when he wants to relax in front of the TV after a hard day on the job, he "never talks to her or shares his feelings;" and when he wants sex, he's "constantly mauling her."

Poor Ray is not alone...

As every aspect of Ray's masculine nature is demeaned and belittled, he is portrayed as inferior to Debra, while she is lionized as a superior human being. If he does try to stand up for his male rights, she berates him mercilessly, usually threatening to withhold sex until he backs down and rolls over. No mention is ever made that he works all day to pay for her mortgage, car, clothing, food, insurance, and entertainment, while she spends her afternoons at home trying to learn how to cook meatballs, the most important ingredient of which, according to her mother-in-law Marie, is "love." Notice that no one points out that someone has to sweat and toil to pay for this "love."

In essence, Ray is humiliated and punished because he acts like a man and not like the "perfect" Debra, a woman. His response? He apologizes -- Debra's right, he's wrong. He should be more sensitive, romantic and sharing of his feelings. He might just as well cut off his testicles and hand them over to her on a plate.

men who act like women

The problem is that we are turning into a nation of Rays. The standard held up to us is entirely female. This can be easily witnessed in the rise of the "metrosexual," the straight man so feminized that, like a woman, he is obsessed with his appearance, daubs on makeup and opts for cosmetic surgery. Today, men are supposed to have "relationship skills," and they are expected to be capable of achieving "greater intimacy" and to openly express their emotions. They are supposed to be "soul mates" and to "communicate" like girlfriends, not act like testosterone-charged lovers. But at the same time, today's woman has still not shed her typical female hypocrisy; as usual, she still wants it both ways. When there's hard work to be done or bills to be paid, that's when she wants us to act like "real men."

The result? A generation of guys totally bewildered, confused and disoriented. Let's face it: A man's needs are pretty minimal. All he really asks for is regular sex and a cold one. But instead, what he gets are allegations that he's "too aggressive" and trumped-up charges of "sexual harassment" for what is simply a natural appreciation of the opposite sex. If he wants to keep his job or go on a date, he's forced to endure a gut load of female bullying.

the role of feminism

It's tempting to blame the whole mess on the so-called "feminism" that has cut the heart out of Western culture. But mainstream "feminism" is a self-serving movement that grants societal license to female greed. The real culprit here is sex. As always, women -- shrewd and manipulating as they are -- know full well that most guys will do just about anything to get laid. So, as females feel their oats with their newfound power, they do what comes naturally to them: They use it for sexual blackmail. If guys want access to our bodies, they say, they're going to have to dance to our feminizing tunes.

It's completely lost on today's woman that females are too emotionally immature, greedy and self-indulgent to do anything but abuse and misuse this power, and they can't see that their short-term selfish thinking really equates to shooting themselves in the foot. The truth is, men are supposed to be men and women are supposed to be women. Mother Nature has made us this way through five million years of evolution. And it's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

time to take it back

So what can we do about it?

It's time to take our territory back. Take back the penis. This is why Rich Zubaty's rally touched such a raw nerve. Men certainly didn't ask to have their territory redefined. But redefined it has been, right under our noses. Now it's time -- before it's really too late -- to stand up to women, to let them know that we're not going to take it anymore.

As Zubaty writes: "Our job is not to get along with the Goddess. Our job is to f**k the Goddess."

The G-Shot

Sexy female body - Credit:
We've got the lowdown on the G-Shot for women

Is there anyone out there who hasn’t heard of the G-spot? We didn’t think so. All the same, many men have never witnessed a G-spot orgasm, and many women scoff at the idea that such a thing even exists. If you’re involved with such a woman, the following bit of information will likely be of great interest to both of you; the G-Shot might just turn her into a believer. That’s right, science has paved the way to a nifty little injection designed to beef up your woman’s G-spot, thereby making it virtually impossible to “miss” during sex or other forms of stimulation. Read on for more information on what the G-Shot is, how the G-Shot works, and what the G-Shot can do for your sex life.

What is the G-Shot and how does it work?

The G-Shot is a trademarked collagen injection meant to increase the size of a woman’s G-spot, and it's being touted as the "next big thing." Women are using their lunch breaks to drop in on their gynecologist for this trendy procedure, which takes roughly 30 minutes to accomplish, from start to finish. The $1,850 injection is administered quickly and only requires a local anesthetic. Once the G-Shot has been delivered, the G-spot is supposed to swell to an incredible inch-wide diameter, with a quarter-inch height. That’s fairly massive, as G-spots go; one can easily imagine why so many women report an increase in G-spot orgasm frequency after having the injection. And women can start testing it out relatively quickly, since the results are immediate and sex is possible within four hours of the procedure.

What are the G-Shot's benefits and how long do they last?

The most obvious benefit is having the G-spot enlarged to a size that should be impossible to miss during sex. Many women report that orgasms reached in conjunction with the G-Shot are far superior to “regular” orgasms, particularly where intensity and length of duration are concerned. The G-Shot is also said to increase libido in some women, causing them to experience an almost permanent state of increased sensitivity and, possibly, arousal itself. Some even feel the G-Shot has completely revolutionized their formerly frustrating sex lives -- for four months, anyway, which is how long the effects are expected to last.

What is the success rate?

Dr. David Matlock, the man who invented the G-Shot, advertises an 87% success rate in terms of women who feel the treatment enhanced their sex lives. His website is careful to mention, however, that the G-Shot is only intended for women not presently suffering from sexual dysfunction; it’s meant to be an enhancement, not a magic wand. If a woman cannot reach orgasm via normal means, the G-Shot is probably not going to make much of a difference. The same can be said of women with a low sex drive or other such conditions, as the G-Shot is unlikely to turn such women into sex-crazed maniacs. The G-Shot's primary purpose is to make the “X” big enough for a man to easily hit the G-spot.

Carmen Electra is bringing out a portable stripper pole.

The former 'Baywatch' actress is so obsessed with the raunchy exercise regime that she has designed a fold-away pole which can be set up anywhere.

She said: "I am so excited to have a new pole coming out, a portable stripper pole. The great thing about my portable pole is you can put it in your own living room or you can do the workout in your bedroom. No-one has to see you do it. It's up to you - you can perform for your husband or boyfriend, or do it more as a workout and focus on that."

Carmen, 36, also said she has no intention of following in the footsteps of Beyonce Knowles, Ashlee Simpson and Mariah Carey and having a quickie wedding, because she wants to take things with fiance Rob Patterson "super, super slow".

She added to 'Fox News': "I have known Rob for years - we were friends first and then we just started dating. He's super sweet, really, really nice and a really kind, loving person. There are no plans for the wedding as of yet, we're taking things really, really, really, slow.

"It's just funny how you get engaged and everyone thinks you're getting married tomorrow - even my friends were calling me going, 'Are you pregnant? I heard you're pregnant. Is that true?' All these rumours and gossip start, it's funny. But it could be 10 years. I really want to take it super, super slow."

wants to have a baby.

The 'Sex and the City: The Movie' actress is keen to find the perfect man, settle down and start a family.

She said: "I would love to have children. I would love to adopt. And I would still like to find a man and have a baby with him. I haven't given up.

"My friends have children and I love them. I'm like Auntie Kristin - I love it. I have nieces and nephews as well."

Kristin also says she can relate to the way her character in the film, Charlotte York-Goldenblatt, feels pressured to get married and have children.

She said: "I can relate to feeling the pressure society puts on a person."

However, Kristin revealed she has not yet succumbed to internet dating to find her 'Mr. Right'.

She said: "I'd have to use an alias if I did, or it might be weird when the guy meets me and he sees Charlotte sitting there! It would be very strange."

is reportedly set to play a Las Vegas residency.

The 'Thriller' singer's Neverland ranch was recently saved from auction by Los Angeles-based investment company Colony Capital LLC, who also own the Las Vegas' Hilton hotel, sparking speculation Michael will perform there as part of the rescue package.

After confirming the payment issues surrounding his sprawling home had been resolved, Michael said that he was in discussions with the company founder Tom Barrack Jr. "with regard to the ranch and other matters."

It is being reported that "other matters" relate to contract terms for live performances.

Michael was set to lose Neverland after failing to meet payments on a $24.5 million loan.

The singer was offered a lifeline when the loan was sold to Colony Capital LLC .

Michael bought Neverland in 1997, with the intention of turning it into a "paradise for children".

In 2005, the singer was acquitted of sexual molestation relating to allegations of incidents that had taken place with a teenage boy inside his Neverland home.

The following year, authorities ordered the property to be boarded up after it was revealed Michael had not paid employees or kept up with insurance payments.

Get over her - Credit:

Your sweetie ended it, that heartless girl. Now your future is in shambles. You feel the need to panic and beg for her back. You'll do anything to make things right.

But no matter how you try, you can't get back to that little spot of sunlight where you were so comfortable and safe.

There's only one thing left for you to do: Forget her. I know it's not as easy as it sounds, but with this blueprint, you'll forget that girl and pick up the pieces of your shattered heart -- and manhood -- in no time.

1- Take her off that pedestal

Don't idolize her and build her up into something great. She is nothing of the sort. So don't gaze lovingly at pictures of her. Don't jump to answer her e-mail or phone calls. And definitely don't go out of your way for her. She no longer deserves preferential treatment.

2- Get closure

It's essential to definitively end any hopes of reconciliation between the two of you. And if you can't get that into your head, she owes you the courtesy of it crystal clear. She needs to tell you: "I never loved you. I don't love you now. We'll never get back together." After some prodding, she'll probably do it, just to get rid of you. It provides what therapists call "closure." And you can begin to heal.

3- Don't contact her

After the relationship reaches finality, you have to break off contact or you will go mad. Don't beg or cry. Don't drunk-dial. Don't write her e-mail. Don't send packages or CDs. Don't dedicate a song to her on the radio. Get the picture? She will find you if she wants to. And even if you can talk your way back into her arms, it's only a temporary reprieve. She already knows you want her back, and she doesn't care. Take that as a sign.

4- Get negative feelings out on paper

Write her a letter pouring out your negative and weepy feelings, then disassociate them from yourself. Throw the letter away or burn it. But definitely don't send it to her. You will only regret it. She will show her friends and her new boyfriend. And they will all share a good laugh.

5- Avoid her friends & the places she hangs

Don't venture into her territory. You won't be welcome. Find new places to hang out for the first few months and make new friends, if necessary. If any of your friends insist on maintaining contact with her, you may have to shut them out, too -- at least temporarily. After some time has passed, you should go back to living normally, and that means hanging out at these places and reconnecting with mutual friends.

Throw out her crap, leave your stuff with her and bang away with the ladies...

6- Throw away anything that reminds you of her

You don't have to burn it all, but definitely get pictures, gifts, clothing, letters, and e-mail out of your living area, or at least out of your line of vision. If that means giving away roughly half of your wardrobe to get rid of the memory of her, so be it. As a rule of thumb, if the object reminds you of your ex, discard it. This can save your sanity.

7- Don't try to get your stuff back

Unless it's a diamond ring or something that's one-of-a-kind, you're better off not contacting her to get it back. DVDs, clothes, your extra toothbrush... just let 'em go. They're only possessions. Is it really worth the pain of being in her presence just to reclaim a pair of boxer shorts? Don't exchange your dignity for menial belongings.

8- Hang out with your friends

Let your buddies give you a reality check on how your ex wasn't all that to begin with, and that there are more fish in the sea. A little male camaraderie can go a long way towards getting your head straight. We've all been detonated by a woman before and most of us will likely get detonated again.

9- Exercise your newfound freedom

Freedom is always intoxicating. There's a world of activities you can partake in that you were never able to enjoy because your "other half" didn't approve. So indulge. Travel. Build a model ship. Go hiking. Play video games on your computer. Watch TV all weekend. Do anything you want. Why not start boxing? Ideally, you want to find an activity that allows you to release your anger and alleviate stress.

10- Remember the bad times

If you feel nostalgic, then think of all the times she was a bitch to you. That should do it. Remember the time she made you wait by the dressing room as she endlessly tried on clothing? Or the time she reminded you not too drink too much in front of your posse? Nobody wants that back.

11- Sleep with another girl

Nothing reminds you that you are a man quite like having a new woman in your bed. So take solace in the arms of another. Call it a rebound if you wish. Plenty of heartbroken guys go this route and for a very good reason -- it makes you feel better, even if it's only temporary. So go out there and feel better about yourself!

Bonus: Seduce somebody she's jealous of

Remember the hair stylist or the hot barmaid your ex scolded you for looking at? Well, now's your chance to make a move that will pay off in more ways than just sex. Just think, if your ex finds out you've been fishing in familiar waters, it will drive her to the point of hysteria. This can be quite gratifying.

banish her from your mind

Getting the woman of your past out of your present is a mental and emotional challenge of the first order. However the tried and true guidelines above should have your heart mended in no time.

Why Is She Famous?

Before they could barely walk, the Olsen twins were already known across the land as the irresistible "Michelle Tanner" on Full House. Milking the children's market, the twins established a virtual empire, producing several straight-to-video movies, interactive games and a full-length big-screen feature called It Takes Two. Now, Mary-Kate and Ashley have their own line of clothing and perfume to add to their constant TV appearances.

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Twins

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Twins

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Passionate couple - Credit:
These are the best small penis sex positions
The average erect penis is estimated to be somewhere around six inches in length. If you’re one of the millions who fall a bit short of this statistic, you may have concerns about size in relation to your sexual performance. Fret not: While it’s true that size can have its advantages, it’s not really the length that matters -- it’s the width. Additionally, women don’t particularly enjoy having their cervices rammed into, which often happens when a man is overly endowed. There is nothing sexy about painful intercourse, and that’s precisely what many women complain of when a man’s penis is too large. Believe it or not, the right combination of foreplay and stimulation can make a woman worship a small penis just as readily as a large one. Read on as we discuss the best small penis sex positions and how to make the most of them.

before you get inside

Obviously, there’s a great deal more to sex than just penetration, and most men fully recognize the benefits of foreplay. The man with a smaller-sized penis should take even greater advantage of this, prolonging foreplay until his partner is fully and completely aroused; the closer she is to orgasm at the start of actual penetration, the easier it will be for her to climax via one of our small penis sex positions.

Focus on foreplay

Foreplay should include anything and everything your woman enjoys. Kissing and caressing are always appreciated, but don’t limit yourself to the old standbys. Not if you want to really rock her world. Toss in some sexy pillow talk to start, and be sure to have her favorite sex toys on hand. If she’s a bit kinky, you may want to try some sensual biting or even a bit of a spanking. The key here is to lavish her with the kind of attention you know she responds well to; you want to get her so hot that she can’t help begging for sex.

Stimulate the clitoris

Prior to intercourse, you’ll want to spend as much quality time with the clitoris as she can handle. Whether you do this via oral sex or manual stimulation, make sure she climaxes at least once before you move on to penetration; this will help alleviate any performance anxiety you might experience once you’re ready to try the following small penis sex positions.

the positions

The doggie

When performed at the correct angle, the doggie can make even the smallest penis feel quite large. You’ll want her positioned in such a way that she’s able to comfortably place her head and shoulders on the pillow, while having her bottom raised in the air. To help create the most effective angle, her back should be arched and her thighs should be drawn together. Not only is this the easiest small penis sex position on our list, but it’s also one of the most popular.

Bite-sized tip: Lean forward during penetration, maintaining as much physical contact as you can comfortably manage; this will keep things intimate, enabling her to reach her sexual peak as quickly as possible.

These small penis sex positions will make any guy feel huge...
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Elisha Cuthbert

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Scarlett Johansson Wants To Date With You

Scarlett Johansson found more interesting way to date men then Jessica Alba or Carment Electra.

She has started an auction on herself on eBay. She would allow one privileged, successful buyer to become her escort for the premiere of “He’s Just Not That Into You.” The money raised would benefit Oxfam America, a charity.

Scarlett, has been involved in charity and humanitarian work for a long time. In 2007, she visited poverty stricken areas in India to highlight the shortage of health-care for the poor.

She encouraged bidders to dig deep into their pockets. The winning bid would get:

  • 2 tickets to the world premiere of “He’s Just Not That Into You”
  • Chauffeured car to the premiere location in either Los Angeles or New York in July
  • Makeup and hair service for one person, done by Prive
  • Scarlett will meet and greet this fan at the premiere

The eBay auction, which launched this morning, so far lists the highest bidder as $10.50.

Scarlett has made a video clip to talk about this sale for charity.

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Is Alba Pregnant with Cash Warren’s Baby?

Jessica and Cash have been dating since 2004. They met on the set for the first “Fantastic Four” movie, where Warren was a director’s assistant. They had reportedly recently split up earlier this year citing hectic work schedules, but were spotted together soon after shopping and taking in a Laker game.

There have been a few rocky times since then, as the pair reportedly broke up about three months ago. But they quickly reconciled and now have a child on the way to prove it.

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The Good Girl Miley Cyrus Has Gone Bad Again

This isn’t the first time Miley Cyrus has let a photos slip out onto the Internet, but it is the first time they’ve contained footage of her laying with a guy!

I don’t think most parents hope this is what their 15-year-old is doing.

Want more? Then check out these sexy galleries of Hanna Montana: Teen Choice Awards, Atlantic City Tour, 50th Annual Grammy Awards, Verizon Wireless and People Magazine Party.

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Lindsay Lohan To Go Full Frontal

After she posed nude for Playboy and New York Magazine, Lindsay Lohan will start shooting soon for the indie film “Florence” where she’ll only be paid a measly $75,000 for her role as a nymphomaniac waitress.

When she noticed the role required some boobie action, Lindsay offered to go full frontal for the part that she’s hoping will rekindle her career. However, the producers were not into it and declined her offer.

For the 21 year old actress, this ploy is the latest attempt to keep her name on the lips of millions, and one can bet that when the movie is released, lineups at the box office will be quite long. However there is no date yet announced for the releasing of the film.

It seems that Lindsay doesn’t care at all that she’s getting paid peanuts, she just wants to remind people that she can act and she’s worth hiring.

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dafar list pasangan gay/lesbi indonesia...
1. yana julio-hedy yunus
2. very AFI - Guruh soekarno (sampe skrg tiap week edn ngendon di rumah guruh).
3. ully artha- anabell (model, gak terlalu terkenal)
4. suami ulfa - suami misye arsita (semua juga pada tau).
5. inggrid w - naomi J (juranlis, gak terkenal).
6. henidar amroe-patricia (mantan model)
7.didi riyadi - devan (model)
8. thomas jorgi - bule (gak tau namanya)
9. ferry salim (bisex)
10. jeremy thomas (bisex)
11.karina suwandi - model (gak tau namanya).
12. krisna mukti - jose (eskmud cakep)
13. syaiful jamil - anak kota malang.
14. indra bruggman (gonta ganti), mantannya : ijonk, michael, ferry,
15. adam (penyiar tvri)- ruslan (security)
16. kaharuddin syah- abg (gak tau namanya)
17. eddy siltitonga- abg (gak tau namanya)
18. micky AFI- adi Nugreoho (host AFI)
19. dicky AFI - designer bandung (gak tau namanya)
20. Haikal AFI - model jkt
21. Romi AFI - finalis abang jakarta 2002 ( lupa namanya)
22. tommy tjokro - anandareza (pengusaha cafe)
23. yudha yudhawan (anchor tran tv)- model
24. agus wisman-abg
25. adi bing slamet - francher (model ausie)
26.indra bekti-mantan model aneka yess 2000
27. ully herdinansyah-anto(kalau gak salah, eksmud jkt)
28. surya saputra-eksmud jkt
29. adiknya moenica oemardi (lupa namanya) - model/peragawan jkt.
30 alde baran - jimmy (model juga).....
31. Geovanni (mantan artis cilik) - Felix (model)
32. Conny constantia - Zaenab (gak terkenal, tapi suka nongkrng di zanzibar).
33. Dimas Beck - Rafii ahmad.
34. andika- model (namanya lupa)
35. M.Ali (Coboys temannya gilbert) - Oemar (Atlit taekwondo).
36. Suti Karno - Ginah (panggilannya sih seperti itu).
37. Rano Karno (biseks)
38. Anjasmara (biseks)
39. Alvin Adams (presenter metro) - Dave (bukan dave hendrik)
40. Andrei aksana (writer) - Rafky (eksmud)...
41. tites sapoetra (bisex) - jhonny (model)
42. paundra - kemal (pramugara)
43. adji notonegoro - ervin apa erwin lupa
44. oscar lawalata - menggilir semua peragwannya (GOSiPNYA KALAU gak mau tidur ma oscar ga bakal di pake di catWALK0.
45. gUSNAldi, meski udah pernah meried dan cerai dan punya satu anak tetep aja suka jalan sama cowok2,gak tau nama pacar cowoknya tapi tau mukanya gw.
46. nazzar kdi - sama gw juga tau cowoknya tap[i gak tau namanya.salah2 ntar fitnah lagi.
47. adi kdi - saffar kdi.
48. bona idol - robert (anak psikologi).
49. irgie ahmad fahrezi (bisex)
50. Judika idol - cowoknya panggilannya damar.
51. vicky burki (lesbi)
52. andy rianto
53. andika idol I
54. deny wiriawan (designer)
55. gading marten
56. ramli (designer)
57. edmund daniel - bule ( ngakunya dari aussie).
58. najib ali (host asia bagus) - model singapore
59. bertrand - indra l brugman
60. baim (EKS ada band) bisex
61. donny sibarani (vocl. ada band) - bisex
62. affandi (EKStrio kwek kwek).
63. ari tulang - cowoknya cakep nih...chinese2 manado gitu.
64. tyo nugros (bisex)
65. ferry ardiansyah (bisex) - manager gramedia
66. eggy john fooriesthye ( gay)
67.serryoza reza (bisex) - model
68. vicky nitin egoro (bisex)
69. rico karindra , secara udah beristri dan punya anak 1 tapi masih demen sama cowok.
70. gunawan (BISEX)
71. rika roeslan - vera (gak jelas profesinya apa)
72. sally marcelina - bisex
73. malvyn shayna - bisex
74. edmund daniel - katanya sih skrg jomblo tapi dia gay.
75. rudy soejarwo - bisex (kabarnya kalau ada pendatang baru co yang keren diajak tidur sama dia).
76. kiki fatmala - bisex ( gosipnya sering 3 some sama suaminya).
77. olga (bukan olga lydia) dia cowok tapi minta ditahbiskan dengan nama olga, tadi malam ada di indosat super show sama omas cowoknya namanya daniel (Matre nya minta ampun, mau aja abis olga tajir).
78. jeremy tetty (gay)
79. todung mulya lubis - tau muka cowoknya gw cuman gak tau namanya.
80. ira koesno - maya (kalau gak salah namanya maya).
81. joe richard-gunadi (sering banget mereka nih nongkrong di zanzibar cafe)
82. marcelino (bukan marcelino lefrand yang ini yang etnis tionghoa) - gay, pacarnya gw tau cuma lupa namanya.
83. genta kdi - gay
84. febby lawrence- lesbi
85. tika panggabean- rumor yang beredar dia lesbi
86. drg.fadly - gay, demennya sama abg
87. dr.boyke dyan nugraha, spog, MARS - kalau ml mesti ngundang cowok dulu ntara kalau sudah hot dianya baru deh dia ml sama bininya, ada kok gigolo yang juga model/peragawan yang pengakuan langsung sama gw, bahwa dia "rekanan" tetapnya dr.boyke
88. dr. fahmi (model) - meski baru lulus reputasinya sebagai gay waktu mahasiswa bukan rahasia umum.
89. dr. D.S sp.pd (sorry pake inisial, spesialis peny.dalam)-fatur java jive
90.dr. Tompi, (sedang PPDS bedah plastik) nama bekennya tompi gw lupa nama aslinya, asli aceh kemaren jadi guest star di pemeilihan puteri indonesia, bisex abisss..
91. M. hestiafin (afin, suami hughes)-bisex
92. Rafly (suami tamara, secara kasasi nya sudah disetujui maka dia tetap jadi suami tamara sampe putusan MA nanti) - bisex suka sodomi neh heheheh
93. adiknya tamara sendiri ( gw dapet infonya dari temen gw yang kul di binus) namanya lupa cuma adiknya tamara nih hombreng juga
94. suami cut tari (jusuf kalau tidak salah namanya)-bisex, semua juga udah pada tau malah sempat maen sama salah satu bawahannya.
95. Maya firanti nur (mantan ari sigit) - biseks, nih cewek sekarang jalan sama cowok juga cewek banyak berita yang beredar kalau dia biseks.
*jupiter yg maen ABG & PINK-gay-(kata temen gue dya sering buat sex party gitu ama temen2nya...)
*dwi andhika (penyebab putusnya dya dgn ayushita adalah temen gue sendiri...(gyakakakka...)
*egy yg maen ama marsyanda di RCTI
*raeshad yg maen brg nadia vega

96. Jupiter- gay betul banget doi sering bikin orgy party khusus gay.. suudah bukan barang tabu lagi kalau beberapa cowok termasuk jupe ke salah satu hotel semua sudah pada maklum kalau akan ada orgy di sana.
97. Egy P- gay , pacarnya neh kalau gak salah ekssekutif muda yang bergerak di bidang penjualan mobil.
98. herman pelani- demennya sama abg cowok
99. meutia dataw - istrinya herman pelani yang dari zaman doeloe terkenal bisex, bahkan pernikahan herman dan meutia dikenal sebagai pernikahan gay-lesbi oleh beberapa rekannya.
100. mario kahitna , sebenarnya dia penulusarnnya belum tuntas cuma dari gosip yang gw denger kalau dia ini juga gay secara dia akrab banget sama hedy dan sering jalan bareng dengan beberapa temen

list om senang :
1. hotman paris hutape, tidak terhitung selebritis abg yang pernah dicicipinya termasuk si R.F dan temen2nya R.F, bahkan si hotman ini punya agen tetap yang menyediakan jasa but melayaninya bahkan artis L.P yang sekarang di belanya juga merupakan binaannya.
2. Anwar Fuady, dedengkot Parsi yang satu ini sudah terkenal akan memberikan chanel yang luas bagi artis pendatang baru/sepi job untuk mendapatkan peran2 baru secara dia punya akses ke mulitivison,star vision, R'n F DLL. beberapa artis yang pernah di "bantu" sama dia adalah Z.M, C.M, J.S, D.A, W.P dll banyak
3. Ruhut sitompul, kelakuan gak jauh beda sama anwar secara mereka setali tiga uang, artis yang dicicipi anwar biasanya juga bakalan jatuh ke pelukan bang poltak yang satu ini.

Tante Girang :
1. Janda Cendana (mamiek dan titiek soeharto) secara mereka janda dan sebagai manusia biasa juga hasu akan pemenuhan hasrat biologis namun mereka memakai "produk" yang jaringannya aman dan rapi dan yang jelas bukan dari kalangan artis tidak seperti pangeran2 cendana.
2. MARINI, ibu dari shelomita ini memang udah bolak vbalik kawin dan meski skrg suidah bersuami lg,kelakuan haus bercinta masih belum punah 100%.
3. Nunung Simulat, sering bawa cowok2 muda ke hotel, seriung bilang sodara nya dia tapi ya tetap aja serapat2nya dia menyimpan bakal ketahuan juga.

Four friends spend an evening together after time apart. Differences in sex and sexuality reveal deep-rooted conflicts and long-hidden longings.


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Is Victoria Beckham The Sexiest Mum?

Victoria Beckham, who is currently appearing naked on T-shirts worldwide for designer Marc Jacobs’ ”Protect the Skin You’re In” campaign - has made no secret of her love for her boys.

In her 2001 autobiography “Learning to Fly”, she wrote:

“I know I would sacrifice anything for my boys, including my career, even though I also know that they would never ask me to.”

Maybe that’s why this year the lingerie company Victoria’s Secret, has decided to give Victoria Beckham the title Sexiest Mother in their annual “What is Sexy?” list.

The full list of winners are:

Sexiest Actress - Eva Mendes
Sexiest Actor - Eminem
Sexiest Male Musician - Britney Spears
Sexiest Female Musician - Rihanna
Sexiest Beach Body - Josh Holloway
Sexiest Newlyweds - Katherine Heigl, “Grey’s Anatomy”, and Josh Kelley
Sexiest Funnyman - Dane Cook
Sexiest Male Athlete - Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo
Sexiest Newcomer - Blake Lively, “Gossip Girl”
Sexiest Couple - Fergie and Josh Duhamel, “Las Vegas”
Sexiest Style - Scarlett Johansson
Sexiest Smile - Ryan Seacrest, “American Idol”
Sexiest Lips - Jessica Biel
Sexiest Eyes - Kate Bosworth
Sexiest Legs - Ali Larter, “Heroes”
Sexiest Cast - “Dirty Sexy Money”

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Eva Longoria Bebe Sport Campaign

Keeley Hazell Promoting Lynx Body Spray in a Bikini Petra Nemcova - La Senza Lingeries Beyonce - 50th Annual Grammy Awards Keeley Hazell Sexy 2008 Calendar
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