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Sure, Nashville. Why not? "Since U Been Gone" was a huge country sensation, and... no, it just doesn't make any sense for Kelly Clarkson to try to go country. She's doing it, though. (Real Estalker)

Emma Watson
's next non-Harry-Potter role is announced: "Napoleon And Betsy," a movie in which she plays a girl with a crush on Napoleon. Probably a good challenge, but creepy as hell. Who the hell as a young woman has a crush on a deposed military leader twice her age? (Hollywood Reporter)

"American Idol" reject Kristy Lee Cook is now engaged. I wouldn't sign the girl to a record deal, much less a lifetime commitment. How long do you think before that poor A&R man has to buy his way out? (US)

Simon Cowell
is famously reluctant to get married, because he thinks it's just a divorce waiting to happen. Well, his girlfriend didn't like that idea, or any of the rumors about him cheating, so she's left him. Rumor has it he's not happy, but he's not working that hard to get her back, either. (Celebitchy)


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