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I'm a month away from turning 28 and I’m still a virgin in every sense of the word. The most I've ever done is made out and even that was a decade ago. I never had intercourse and have never given or received oral sex. Is it too late to lose my virginity or even meet that special someone?
For as long as you’ve got the hardware, the odds of losing your virginity are in your favor. In fact, some women might even find it charming that you don’t have an extended roster of women under you belt -- a very difficult thing to find nowadays.
While it may be embarrassing to first approach the subject with a potential new mate, rest assured that her reaction will probably be one of surprise and understanding instead of ridicule.
What you should focus more on, however, is the reason why you haven’t been intimate with a woman in a decade. An issue of confidence might play a role, and is perhaps something that should be explored further through the help of a professional. Through exploring the avenue, you’ll get the tools needed to approach women, build your self-image and move your relationships to the next level of intimacy.
Donald Zimmer
unwanted erections
I'm an 18-year-old male, I’m very healthy, and I stay in shape. I'm very confident about myself, but when it comes to foreplay and intimate kissing my penis is up and ready to go. Is this a natural thing? It's sort of embarrassing to be making out with a female and have my partner poking her in the leg. Could you tell me what’s going on?Kyle
It sounds to me like the only problem you have is that you’ve never received a lesson on the birds and the bees. So, here’s a quick rundown: Your penis becomes erect while kissing and touching a woman because it’s supposed to. You’re partaking in an activity called “foreplay” -- an interlude to sex through which your body prepares for intercourse.
In other words, you shouldn’t be embarrassed that your “member” is poking her leg. In fact, she’d probably be insulted if it didn’t.
Donald Zimmer
More sex problems solved…
early orgasms
My girlfriend and I are both 23 years old and enjoy a very active sex life. The only problem I have is holding back my orgasm. It's not just when having sex, it's when I masturbate too. I would like to be able to hold off my orgasm. What can I do to prolong my orgasm?Steven
Aside from practicing those Kegel’s I’m always talking about, there are a few different techniques you can attempt to prolong the onset of orgasm:
1- Stop yourself. If you feel yourself getting close to orgasm, slow down or pull out. Change positions or activities, and work yourself up all over again.
2- Wear a condom. This reduces sensitivity on the tip of your penis and helps you last longer.
3- Work on her. Spend more time helping your partner become aroused, so that when you finally do have sex, your orgasm won’t seem to come as quickly as it actually does.
4- Masturbate. If you masturbate before intercourse, you’re more likely to prolong the onset of orgasm during sex.
Donald Zimmer
no ejaculation
My boyfriend never ejaculates during sex, and he says he never has. Am I doing something wrong?Liliane
It is very unlikely that you’re doing something to provoke this response (or lack thereof) from your boyfriend. See, it’s important to understand that all men respond differently to sexual stimulation -- some take long to orgasm, some orgasm very quickly, and some orgasm without ejaculating. While it’s a common misconception that orgasm and ejaculation go hand-in-hand, the truth of the matter is that they are each separate physiological responses that can occur independently of one another.
It’s also a common misconception that if a man doesn’t ejaculate, he hasn’t been properly satisfied. While this might be true, it’s not always the case. Your best bet is to approach him with the subject to find out if he has any complaints before you lash out with yours.
Donald Zimmer
dirty vibrator
My vibrator has developed a fungus. Why did this happen? Is it still safe to use?Paul
For hygienic purposes, vibrators need to be cleaned. If you neglect to do so, your vibrator can develop a fungus or bacteria. Simple soap and water should do the trick, but some rubber dildos can be placed in boiling water for an optimal cleaning. One way to always make sure your vibrator is bacteria-free is to cover it with a latex condom during use. Finally, if a vibrator is used anally before it is used vaginally, it must be cleaned thoroughly before switching locales.
So, in your case, Paul, wash the vibrator thoroughly and enjoy!
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